
Here’s a few items to read.  Some are on this site and some are links to other sites.  Thanks for reading!

Reflections on Russia-  Brad Clayton
Brad gives his thoughts on the ministry in Russia after traveling with Charlie to Saint Petersburg in February 2006Reflections-on-Russia.html
Abandoned to the State:  Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages-  Human Rights Watch
1998 HRW Report on the state of orphanages in Russia
An Epidemic of Hopelessness Among Children At Risk in Eastern Europe-  Dr. Susan Hillis, CDC
Session Transcript from the 2000 National Summit for Children At Risk.
Russia:  Rehabilitation Required-  Human Rights Watch
A photo essay on HRW’s latest report on drug treatment clinics in Russia.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights-  The United Nations
Read this monumental declaration, adopted in 1948.
(Click Here)Newletters.html
The Street Kids of St. Petersburg-  A Wordpress Review article from 9/03.
A short article telling a few stories in street kids in SPB.
Children At Risk In Russia-  The CoMission for Children at Risk
Report on the state of at-risk children in Russia
Ten Ways Every Christian can care for the  ORPHAN & WAITING CHILD
143 Million orphans and waiting children.
Yes, it’s a BIG number. And it can be difficult to know how one person can make a dent in a reality so daunting. However, one Christian—every Christian—can make a difference. There are many things you can do on behalf of the orphan and waiting child. Articles_files/TenWays_inside.pdf